How does one approach the College Early Decision announcement moment?
Today is the day for A. As I try to put myself in their shoes I am thinking as if I have purchased a lottery ticket. I know that I will not win but I still have to check. I am anxious as I stretch out the possibilities looking forward and there is that small chance that we hang onto. That is what gets us. That slight! Ever so slight chance that the odds roll in one’s favor this one time. In this case the odds might be better but the take away from the outcome has to be moderated.
The outcome says nothing about you, as with a lottery, it is just a moment that moves through us and we move on to the next lottery opportunity or college application, of which there are many. And life goes back to the regularly scheduled programming. Like getting on with helping selling Christmas trees for a local organization. Or one is sent off on a new pathway and the trees still need to be sold.
Time will tell.